My Story
My Allergies Journey…
Before we talk about how I healed myself from 23 different allergies I suffered with for 5 long years, first imagine:
After popping all kinds of prescription allergy pills and subjecting yourself to countless “treatment” options recommended by your doctor, you finally feel healthier than ever before.
Your skin rash has disappeared. Your allergies have vanished. Your stuffy nose, runny eyes, itchy throat and nagging cough are gone. You’re on top of the world – never felt better. Sounds incredible, right?
Well, that is only until the next allergy reaction hits you
AGAIN, and the cycle repeats. What if you could take
charge of your health and bolster your immune system against future allergies for good?
That's exactly what I did, and I have to say, embracing plant-based medicine transformed my life in ways I never thought possible. And I believe it can do the same for you.
I’m Simona and like you, I listened to all the lies my doctor told me about what would relieve my allergy symptoms. I mean, the doc prescribed every allergy medicine imaginable for 5 years–but nothing worked. And then, all that changed when I ditched my pill-pushing doctor and opted for natural remedies.
My health problems started after I moved to the United States in 2007. Nearly eight months after the move, I got bit by the nasty “allergy bug”. I was sick nearly every other week – runny nose and itchy eyes, nose, ears, and throat, coughing, as well as wheezing, restlessness, insomnia, and even asthma attacks at times.
I was so exhausted that I struggled to function and be productive every day…
So I did what most people do: I went to see an allergist and unfortunately, I tested positive for 23 non-food allergens: all kinds of trees and grasses, pollen, dust mites, feathers, cats, dogs, horses, etc, etc. I was devastated…
Funny thing is, I never, ever suffered from allergies until I moved to the United States, where unfortunately 33% of the population tests positive for one or more allergens as I learned later.
My doc prescribed allergy shots and pills. For 5 long years, I popped pills and sucked up my disdain for getting stuck in the arm with long, pointy needles every other week on a monthly basis.
In fact, things got worse: the more allergy meds I took, the worse I felt from their side effects: digestive issues, anemia, major brain fog, chronic fatigue and others...
And after spending thousands of dollars on worthless treatments, thousands of hours by going to the clinic for the allergy shots twice a month, and losing tens of thousands of dollars in productivity over those 5 years of my life, I said enough is enough.
After attending a health seminar in functional medicine and various holistic therapies approaches, I opened up to the benefits of plant medicine.
Here’s what happened:
Inspired by the scientific research I learned during the seminar about whole foods and plant medicine, as soon as I got back home I embarked on my own health journey by digging deep into more research...As a result, I started embracing a diet rich in whole foods and organic produce, and ditched all my allergy shots and medication.
In my research, I was shocked to discover the reason for my allergies was NOT the environment and local climate (like the docs said).
It was the chemicals in the processed foods, toiletries, and household cleaning products I was using and even more shocking- the chemicals in my allergy drugs which caused me more health issues.
I was poisoning my body for years without even knowing it!
That realization was my AHA moment and that's when my health journey began.
And when I did the “crazy” thing of switching from pills to essential oils, natural supplements, organic whole foods and products, guess what happened?
Within just ONE year all my allergy symptoms vanished!
You see, once I stopped believing the misinformation of conventional medicine and the lies doctors told me, I began to cure what was ailing me. And since then, I feel better than ever. All because I stopped poisoning my body with conventional meds (=aka chemical treatments) and harmful chemicals found in the foods and other products most of us use every single day.
Plant medicine was my salvation- it gave me back my life. It wasn't just about healing my body; it was about rediscovering a way of life that our ancestors knew – a life in harmony with nature and our innate genetic makeup.
This is why I believe I might be able to help you:
To bust all the doctor myths and tell you the truth –
when you stop consuming “garbage”
you can live a better, healthier life just like I do.
My Approach to Health
I didn’t want to give up. I thought that all my symptoms were somehow connected… There has got to be some lifestyle factors that contributed to this condition! There’s got to be ways I can make myself feel better! There has got to be ways I can help stop the ongoing suffering…
Lifestyle interventions are ignored by mainstream medicine
Interventions such as reducing or eliminating inflammatory and sensitizing foods, addressing nutrient depletions, environmental factors and chemicals used in personal and household products can help to improve symptoms and reduce allergies.
That’s why I became passionate about formulating my own DIY organic and 100% natural products with incredibly powerful therapeutic benefits for my personal and household use.
Remember when I said I suffered from allergies for 5 long years? Well, those 5 horrendous years taught me one thing…contrary to popular belief, doctors don’t know everything as 99% of them are not trained in nutrition and preventive medicine at all.
Unfortunately, they’re only trained to treat disease symptoms, and they never address the root of the problem. Sadly, from my own 5-year long health journey, I learned the way Western conventional medicine is practiced today is not equipped to treat effectively any chronic conditions, including allergies.
That’s why it’s up to YOU to take control of your health. Do your research. Listen to your body. Eat more whole foods. Use less toxic products. Explore the power of natural remedies that cure chronic conditions such as allergies rather than just treat symptoms.
In my heart and soul, I know you can do it because I did it. Sure I was nervous about stepping outside the recommendations of my allergy doctor. But I was also sick of being sick for 5 years. So I took a chance and tried something different. And it worked.
Before I let you go, let me say this: You have the power to heal yourself and live a healthy, vibrant life – no matter your age, income level, race or your background. Now YOU just have to believe that.
I always say “health is wealth” because when you’re healthy, you can enjoy all the beautiful things life has to offer. Without health, life is not worth living- that’s my core belief which I live by every single day.
My Mission
Herba Vera Organics, which translates to "True Organic Herbs," is more than just a brand; it represents my passion for creating a movement that transforms the lives of allergy sufferers. My goal is to share the benefits of using nature's medicine combined with innovative science, so can regain power over your health.
I also want to empower you to become your own doctor- simply because nobody knows it better than you do. It took me 5 long miserable years of suffering with 23 various allergies to figure out how to heal myself and I’ll do it all over again because I’ve been allergy-free for 10 years now, but you don’t have to.
That’s why I created a special challenge within a private Facebook community where I can share with other allergy sufferers exactly what I did that help me eliminate all my allergies completely naturally without any meds and without spending a fortune. I cannot promise you the same results, but if you implement these lifestyle changes properly, you can, at least reduce your symptoms and improve the quality of your life significantly.
So today I challenge you to take just ONE step – I invite you to start your own health journey and sign up for our private Non-food Allergy Solutions Community Facebook Group to be notified when the TOXIN TAKEDOWN- 5 DAYS TO ALLERGY RELIEF Challenge begins. There I will show you how to transform your health all naturally just like I did years ago. This FREE challenge is your gift of health to your future self.
During the 5-day challenge I’ll show you- step by step- how to easily incorporate plant medicine in your daily life and all the lifestyle changes such as reducing or eliminating toxins from your home, addressing nutrient depletions, environmental factors, and chemicals used in personal and household products, DIY healthy recipes, and so much more.
All of these lifestyle changes are necessary in order to help you improve symptoms, and they will reduce your allergies when implemented properly.
That’s WHY I’m an passionate champion for lifestyle interventions - because they helped me much more than any medications ever had (conventional medicine is full of misinformation- and sadly, that’s a fact).
So I invite you to start your journey of becoming your own doctor and healer today by joining our Environmental Allergy Solutions Community Facebook Group to learn more how to reduce your allergies properly and to get notified when our TOXIN TAKEDOWN- 5 DAYS TO ALLERGY RELIEF Challenge begins.
In the meantime you’ll get exclusive content and tips on how to manage your allergies, healthy recipes, updates on new products releases, and discounts that I don’t share anywhere else.
I really hope, if you’ve suffered from sneezing, runny nose and eyes, coughing, itching, skin rashes, brain fog, fatigue, and countless other allergy symptoms, that your life will be changed for the better after implementing the research I’ve uncovered. It can help you do what most doctors would consider impossible- to eliminate allergies for good (like I did it for myself) or at least reduce most of their symptoms.
Thank you so much for taking the time to ready my story. I’m thrilled we’re connected and I’m excited to witness the incredible health transformation you’re about to begin.
With all my love,
Simona ~