Vegan soy, gluten, and fat-free gravy with essential oils

Healthiest Vegan and Gluten, Soy, and Dairy-free GRAVY with Rosemary, Thyme, and Oregano Oils

With the Thanksgiving holiday coming up next week, most of us get filled with the joy and anticipation of being reunited with our loved ones to share some quality time with them and, of course, to share the traditional Thanksgiving dinner. 

The turkey and the gravy are obviously the king and queen of any respectable Thanksgiving dinner along with other traditional side dishes we all love so much. However, some of us will end up the next day with a food hangover after the Thanksgiving meal or having regrets for overindulging. What if I tell you that you can eat not only the same amount but even more food this year for Thanksgiving and still be able to avoid the hangover regrets if you eat smarter, which means choosing a healthier version of the same traditional foods without missing any of the flavors. Even more so, you’ll get some extra health benefits, which is a win-win! 

Meet the healthiest and most delicious gravy on earth- our gluten, soy, and dairy-free Vegan Gravy recipe with our favorite essential oils: Rosemary, Thyme and Oregano. It’s super delicious, healthy and much easier to do than most other gravy recipes.

ROSEMARY OIL is known for its detoxifying effects on the liver and gallbladder, according to Ayurvedic medicine.

THYME OIL has very high antioxidant levels and is one of the richest sources of potassium, iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium, and selenium.

OREGANO OIL is known to support a healthy heart by decreasing the ‘bad’ cholesterol (LDL) and increasing the ‘good’ cholesterol (HDL). If you didn’t know about the strength of these essential oils, now you do, so you have 2 more reasons to use these oils: for their incredible flavor and for your health!!

And here’s another secret: in the process of drying herbs, many molecules of oils found in plants evaporate. In other words, dry herbs have less therapeutic benefits than oils, which are the concentrated essence of the plant. That means you get numerous health benefits from using 1-2 drops of essential oils, but not from the fresh or dry herbs unless you consume 10 times more the quantity you normally use in recipes. And this is WHY we prefer to use essential oils instead of dry or even fresh herbs! Oh, and did we mention that the flavor and the aroma of any recipes using essential oils vs herbs are so much more intense?! Oh, yes!

This recipe for our essential oils gravy will blow you away and the best part is how easy it is to make! You do not have to worry about spending too much time at the stove this year with our fast and simple recipe, which means you can enjoy more time with your family and your loved ones.

Gluten, Soy, and Dairy-free, Vegan GRAVY with Rosemary, Thyme, and Oregano Oils

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Makes: 1 cup of gravy


¼  cup Almond Flour (for a non-gluten version replace with ¼ cup Whole Wheat Flour)
¼ tsp gluten-free Xanthan Gum (to thicken the gravy)
1 tsp Onion Powder
1/2 tsp Garlic Powder
1/4 tsp Black Pepper
2 TBS Nutritional Yeast
2 cups Vegetable Broth (low sodium preferable)
2 drops of Rosemary USDA Certified Organic oil 
Or 1 drop of Thyme USDA Certified Organic oil
Or 1 drop of Oregano USDA Certified Organic oil (you can add any 2 of these oils, but don’t add more than 2 drops of any mix)
1-2 TBS Extra Virgin Olive Oil (optional)

Instructions: Toast all dry ingredients over low heat until you can smell a slight toasty aroma. Add no more than 3-4 TBS of the vegetable broth at one time and whisk often to remove any clumps until all the broth is used up. Don’t rush up this process, otherwise, your gravy will not thicken up. Simmer on low heat until it’s all thickened. After you remove it from the stove, add any of the essential oils above and optionally the olive oil if you want more fat. The flavor of this recipe is rich yet very light and aromatic, which perfectly balances the heaviness of the other side dishes present on the table during the Thanksgiving dinner.

Be sure that you are only ingesting USDA Certified Organic Essential Oils. This is the only way to ensure that your oils are pure and free of chemicals, pesticides or artificial fertilizers. You get what you pay for, so invest your time and money wisely.

This is the creamiest, most flavorful and healthiest gravy you’ll ever eat and the easiest to do, so try it and tell us how you like it. After you’ve tried this recipe you won’t want to stop cooking with essential oils and lucky for you we have more recipes that are perfect for the season! Check out our blog for more recipes on how to cook with essential oils. Have a Happy Holiday season!


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