Best Essential Oils for Massage Therapy

Best Essential Oils for Massage Therapy


Massage therapy is an ancient technique that's been long proven that is has both physical and mental healing benefits. There are many technique of massage offered today by professional massage therapists, but that doesn't mean you can't do it in the comfort of your home to your loved ones and to yourself as well.

Some of the health benefits of massage include chronic pain release from muscles and joints, migraines, anxiety, depression, fatigue, insomnia, lymphatic drainage, detoxing, blood pressure and hormonal imbalances. It also increases immunity and athletic performance while preventing sport injuries. 

Some studies suggest that 92% of people who received massage therapy believed it was effective in reducing their pain. 

It's no surprise why the number of people having massages is increasing at a rate of over 36% in 2021 according to AMTA, the American Massage Therapy Association, an that rate is substantially increasing year over year in the last 5 years alone. More over, 63% of those who got a massage in 2021 did it as a part of a  treatment plan from a doctor or medical provider, which only confirms massage as a viable therapy for so many people. 

Massage therapy with essential oils, also called aromassage can be part of a healing process, or a way to apply essential oils to the right places to become more relaxed and/or to release pain during a massage therapy session.

It's much easier to ease pain from tense muscles if you feeI more relaxed and this is where essential oils play a major role to achieve a calmer state as proven by numerous research studies from the last 40+ years.

By combining relaxing essential oils and pain relieving essential oils together with a carrier oil into a massage blend, the pain relief will be achieved much faster and the benefits will last longer.

All the recipe blends below were formulated by an aromatherapy specialist to achieve both goals: relaxation and pain relief in one massage session. 

Massage is neither complicated nor difficult. Anyone can do it from the comfort of their home- to their friends, their families, and also to themselves.

The following techniques and massage oil recipes are easy to implement and could be performed on a loved one or to oneself -from the comfort of your home. 

Effleurage is possibly the most useful movement in Aromassage. It’s a series of gentle, soothing strokes, which enable essential oils to penetrate the body, causing relaxation and calm throughout. Use your whole hands, not just your fingers, in strokes that can be either long or short, firm or gentle. Muscles will be relaxed and nerve endings soothed, circulation increased, stress and tension relieved. Keep your hands relaxed but firm in this movement. 

Petrissage is like gently kneading dough. Each movement should be slow and careful, never causing pain. These movements are often helpful on fatty areas, and on backs. They can relax the muscles, increase circulations, help lymphatic flow, and aid the release of trapped toxins. 

Use slight pressure on your thumbs in this movement. 

If you prefer to have a massage therapist do it for you, you can bring the essential oils mentioned in this blog with you for your massage session or suggest him or her to use them if they have them available. 

Please check this BLOG to learn how to dilute essential oils properly which should always be applied combined with carrier oils on the body. There are only a handful of essential oils that can be applied directly to skin without causing issues or irritation (such as Frankincense, Tea Tree, Myrrh,etc). 

For the Head 

When using Aromassage on the scalp, put the oil on the fingertips and use the fingers, working all over the scalp. Massage around the base of the neck and work upwards to the base of the scalp. Continue massaging this area for a few moments. Use your fingers in firm effleurage strokes to apply the appropriate essential oils. 

Nervous Headache & Migraine Formula

Clary Sage or Ylang-Ylang 3 drops 
Clove 1 drop 
dilluted in 5 drops of carrier oil 

 Massage over the temples and the base of the skull, along the hair line. These oils help calm down the nervous system. (1

Also massage over the solar plexus (upper abdomen) in a clockwise direction using the following formula:

Geranium 1 drop
Lemon 2 drops
Ylang-Ylang 3 drops
Mix all and dilute in 1 tsp of carrier oil 

For the Neck

Use small, firm circular movements, working from the base of the neck, either side of the vertebrae, to the base of the scalp. Work to the sides of the neck and repeat the movements, this time very gently, and work down again. Repeat several times with the appropriate essential oils. Basil and oregano oil are powerful anti-inflammatory and known to release pain  (2), (3) . See the recommendation for the blend below. 

Muscular Fatigue Formula 

Basil 10 drops 
Grapefruit  10 drops
Oregano 10 drops 
diluted in 2 tbs of carrier oil

For the Shoulders

Aromassage into the muscles with circular movements. Using your thumbs and palms, make firm strokes from the shoulder to the neck and back again. See the recommendation for the Muscular Fatigue Formula

For the Arms

Aromassage up towards the armpit, using vertical and horizontal strokes, on the fatty or muscular areas only.                                                                                                             
Arms are prone to saggins as the breasts and neck. The underside of the upper arm is very near the lymph gland in the armpit and this makes treating the underarms very easy with a form of lymphatic drainage. Skin treated with any citrus oils should not be exposed to sunlight within 12 hours of application.

Synergistic Blend for Arms 

Lemon (or Grapefruit) 10 drops 
Juniper 7 drops

Make a massage oil using 5 drops of the blend to eah 1 tbs of carrier oils; use 8 drops to a bottle containing 4 ounces of water for the splash.

For the Back

Firm or gentle effleurage or petrissage can be used. Don’t massage over the vertebrae. Start from the lumbar region of the back and with two hands stroke all the way up to the shoulders. Slide the hands over the shoulders and return down the sides of the back. Repeat these movements as many times as necessary. The longer the massage, the more relaxing it is.

The following are the best essential oils to treat back pain: 


Instructions: Use 5 drops from any of these oils per 1 tsp of base oil. (1, 2) Or you can use one of the blends below.

Shop our USDA Organic Essential Oils Collection

Muscular Fatigue Formula 

Basil 10 drops 
Grapefruit  10 drops
Oregano 10 drops 
diluted in 2 tbs of carrier oil

Sore Muscle Massage Formula

 Frankincense 10 drops
Gingergrass 2 drops
Patchouli  5 drops

For the Abdomen
Use circular movements only, in a clockwise direction. 

Essential Oils for Stomach Upset: 

Chamomille Roman

 Mix 5 drops of any of these oils in ½ tsp carrier oil and massage the stomach in a circular motion. 
You can also try this synergistic blend:

Abdominal Pain Synergistic Formula

Geranium 2 drops 
Patchouli 3 drops 
dilluted in 1 tsp of carrier oil 

 Apply the mix over the painful area in a clockwise direction with a very gentle massage. If pain persists or increases, consult a doctor as it could be apendicities or other condition that needs to be further ecaluated and properly diagnosed. (1, 2)

For the Legs 

Always aromassage legs upwards. Use vertical movements on the fatty or muscular areas only (never over varicose areas). Use the same oils as for toned muscles and back pain. See the recommendation for the Muscular Fatigue Formula  or the Sore Muscle Massage mentioned above.


Essential Oil Nebulizer Diffuser Silver

For Women’s Reproductive Health

Use effleurage movements. Begin at the lower back and slide over the hips. Now slide each hand separately over the abdomen, and repeat the whole process. 
Oils recommended:                                                                                                                         
Black Pepper
Clary Sage
Lemon (great for pregnant women)
Patchouli (great for pregnant women) 

Mix 5 drops of any of these oils in ½ tsp carrier oil and massage the stomach and lower abdomen area in a circular motion. (1, 2) For more specific problems related to women’s hormonal health check out the information on Clary Sage oil which is a truly remarkable oil for women, and also these Top 13 Essential Oils for Female Hormonal Health

For the Breasts

Keeping the upright firm breast line of the young years  involves hard work and patience and needs to be constant. Pectoral muscles that are underworked show up in signs of sagging, or as droopy bustlines. Essential oils can help, toghether iwth exercise and cold water and ice treatments, as the cold contracts the tissues. 

Essential oils to Increase and Firm Breasts:

Clary sage

Massage is the best way to help prevent strech marks, caused by fluctuation in breast weight. The best carrier/vegetable oils to use on breasts are grapeseed or almond. To make massage oils use 5 drops of essential oils to each 1 tsp of carrier oil. (1)

Breast Massage Formula 

Clary sage 3 drops 
Geranium 5 drops 
Lemongrass 10 drops
dilluted in 2 tbs carrier oil 

This firming treatment must be done every day after exercise. 

For the Feet 

Aromassage from the toes to the heel, thumbs unde the foot sole and fingers on top. You will find this very soothing. You can use the same oils as for toned muscles and back pain. 

Try out these recipes below to restore vitality and energy in your feet. They're great for active people, athletes, dancers, walkers, joggers, runners and everybody that walks or works on their feet for long hours. They work hard for you everyday, so pamper them a little- give them some love-they deserve it! 

Synergistic Foot Massage Blend

Juniper 5 drops 
Basil 3 drops
Clary sage 4 drops 
Mix 5 drops of this blend in 1 tsp of carrier oil. 

Spa Foot Bath Synergistic Blend

The formula below gives a wondderfully restorative treatment for the feet. Use this blend in a foot bath. Mix in the blender all the ingredients below and use as needed in hot water, soaking the feet for 10 minutes. Follow by using the foot massage blend above. 

Basil 3 drops
Oregano 1 drop
Geranium 3 drops
Epsom salt 3 tbs
regular salt 3 tsp


Essential oils for Supple, Toned  Muscles

Muscles can be toned with essential oisl in addition to exercise. Add the oils to a bath or a massage oil applied either before or after a bath. Add 5 drops of the oils above to 1 tbs of carrier oil for a massage. Do it once a week or as needed. Use the following oils:

Black Pepper

Essential Oils for Circulation

The oils from the list below help facilitate easier breathing and increased circulation. (1, 2) Use them in the same way as the oil for toned muscles above.

Clary sage

 Muscular Fatigue and Pain Formula 

Basil 10 drops 
Grapefruit  10 drops
Oregano 10 drops 
dilluted in 2 tbs of carrier oil 

 Massage the affected area. This is also great for over-exercised muscles to release pain and inflammation. Basil and oregano oil are powerful anti-inflammatory and known to release pain. 


body massage with essential oils


Essential Oils for Insomnia
Try any of the oils below:

Clary sage

 Insomnia Massage Formula

Clary Sage 15 drops
Ylang 10 drops
Lemon 10 drops
dilluted in 2 tbs of carrier oil
Massage this blend over the whole body preferably before taking a relaxing bath with essential oils towards the evening to facilitate sleep. Clary sage,  lavender and ylang oils are used to help sleep because of their effects on muscle relaxation and emotional calming. (1, 2, 4)
You can put 10 drops from any of the oils above in the bathtub, which should be neither too hot or too cold. Get in and just lie there and drift off, or read a book if you have the energy for it. Then go to bed. Repeat nightly as often as needed.

 Massage Formula for Depression

 Ylang Ylang or Clary Sage 30 drops
Basil 30 drop
Grapeseed or other carrier oil 2 oz

 Combine all the ingredients into a jar. Make sure they are diluted properly. Massage onto your entire body, or take it to your massage therapist and ask him/ her to use it during your massage session, 2–3 times per month. You can also give yourself a self-massage, in areas like hand and neck or even massage into the bottoms of your feet in the evening before going to bed as often as you can. 

Essential oils for Exhaustion

You can use the oils above or create your own blend with these oils:
Chamomile Roman

Exhaustion is not overcome by stimulating the body further, on the contrary.  Relaxation is the key word, and this is where essential oils have the power to relax the nervous system and help it calm down.

Exhaustion Massage Formula 

Frankincense 5 drops
Clary Sage 5 drops 
Lemon 10 drops 
dilluted in 2 tbs of carrier oil

Massage over the entire body late in the afternoon ideally to help your body relax more. You can schedule a session with a massage therapist or a family member or partner can do this for you. When you are sleeping well and find that you can forget about the long list of things you have to do, the better you’ll find mentaly and physically. Leave this oil on your body every night and continue until you feel that your body and mind have regained their former strength and balance. 

Exhaustion could lead directly to hypertension or hypotension- high or low blood pressure. Both can be dangerous. In this case, use 30 drops of any of the essential oils from the list below to 2 tbs of carrier oil and massage the whole body. (1, 2)

Massage Oils to Lower Blood Pressure

Clary Sage

Massage Oils to Increase Blood Pressure 


As a general rule, all massage should be carried out with the flow of the body, that is, towards the heart. When massaging children and invalids use gentle, comforting effleurage movements. After a physical workout, petrissage movements are useful to release toxins and keep muscle supple. 

Also please remember the skin is the largest organ in our bodies, and it absorbs everything we put on it, which means the skin microbiome is our first line of defense to keep our immune system healthy and in balance. Essential oils harvested through conventional farming come from soil that is sprayed with pesticides and artificial fertilizers which means those essential oils are a contaminated with chemicals, and are NOT pure as many companies claim and want you to believe through their false marketing, unfortunately.

This is why we only offer essential oils that are USDA Certified Organic, which are the only essential oils deemed as safe by FDA, as USDA organic is the golden standard recognized world wide. We care a lot about our customers' health and want to ensure you get the highest quality and the safest products for their health–always. 

And finally, for a truly blissful massage session, we highly recommend diffusing with a nebulizer deeply relaxing oils to to calm down your nervous system so you can ge the most out of your massage session. 

Essential Oils to Diffuse during a Massage Session

Try diffusing the following blends during your massage session to increase relaxation and experience total bliss. 

As you can see, there’s a lot of goodness  available at your fingertips and it’s not difficult to achieve at all. These amazing oils are nature’s gifts for humanity, so please do yourself a favor and use them. Your body and your mind should feel good all the time. Take good care of your body-you only have one- and you deserve it.

Shop our USDA Organic Essential Oils Collection


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